Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Strategic planning and implementation in ensuring success - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2250 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Business Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? The preparatory phase of starting any new business both for profit making and not for profit organization relies greatly on setting strategies and making appropriate strategic planning. In order to do so, an organization analyses its current situation, objectives and marketing plans. Analysis of current situation mostly deals with the previous years Business Trend analysis, Market analysis, Competitive analysis, Market segmentation, Marketing mix, SWOT analysis, Positioning-analyzing perceptions and analyzing Sources of information. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Strategic planning and implementation in ensuring success" essay for you Create order A companys Objectives and Marketing plans deal with the future Marketing strategies, Desired market segmentation, Desired marketing-mix, TOWS-based objectives as a result of the SWOT, Positions and perceptual gaps and Yearly sales forecasts. APPROACHES TO STRATEGIC PLANNING Among numerous approaches of making strategic planning, most organizations typically follow a three step process called Situation-Target-Path technique, where an organization evaluates the current situation of the business and how it came about, defines its goals and objectives, and maps a possible route to implement those goals and objectives. There is an alternative to this approach called Draw-See-Think approach, where the company draws the ideal image or the desired end-states, sees todays situation and persisting gaps from the ideal and its possible reason, thinks what specific actions must be taken to close the gap between todays situation and ideal state. FOR PROFIT AND NON-PROFIT STRATEGIC P LANNING Different organization carries out the strategic planning process differently. This variation in strategic planning process depends more on the size and nature of the organization rather the profit/non-profit status of the entities. Small size organizations whether profit or not for profit carry out their strategic planning almost similarly that differs from large organizations. On the other hand, large for profit or large non-profit organizations tend to conduct similar planning activities that are different from those conducted in small organizations. However, there are some differences in strategic planning process in terms of profit or non-profit status of the organization by the following criteria: Non profit organizations give more emphasize on board development, fundraising and volunteer management, where in profit making organizations, emphasize is placed on activities to maximize profits more. ROLES OF STRATEGIC PLANNING Strategic planning plays an im portant role in the business area and also in the public areas such as education, healthcare or government. It is practiced and implemented widely everywhere both informally and formally. In any business organization the roles of strategic planning depend on the nature of the organizations leadership, culture of the organization, complexity of the organizations environment, size of the organization, expertise of the planners etc. According to the diverse goals or objectives of different business entity, various technique of strategic planning is used, for example, goal-based strategic planning, issue-based, organic or scenario-based strategic planning, etc. But in general, strategic planning serves the following purposes in almost every organization: ÃÆ'Â ¢-ÂÂ º Clearly defines the purpose of the organizations and set the objectives or goals ÃÆ'Â ¢-ÂÂ º Communicate those goals and objectives to the organizations constituents ÃÆ'Â ¢-ÂÂ º Develop a sense of ownership of the plan ÃÆ'Â ¢-ÂÂ º Use the organizations resources most effectively by focusing on key priorities ÃÆ'Â ¢-ÂÂ º Provide a base from which progress can be measured ÃÆ'Â ¢-ÂÂ º Listen to everyones opinion to build consensus about where the organization is going ÃÆ'Â ¢-ÂÂ º Focus more on production most effectively and efficiently in order to grow the production ÃÆ'Â ¢-ÂÂ º Works as a bridge between staffs/employees and board of directors ÃÆ'Â ¢-ÂÂ º Helps in team work with employees/staff and board members ÃÆ'Â ¢-ÂÂ º Works as a glue that keeps board members together ÃÆ'Â ¢-ÂÂ º Produce a sense of satisfaction among planners, especially around a common vision ÃÆ'Â ¢-ÂÂ º Solves major problems in the organization It was thought in the old days that only the big enterprises need formulate strategies and adopt a strategic planning process. But with the span of time , the business environment has changed to a great extent. Todays business environment has become more competitive and challenging. To survive in this competition, any organization whether big or small should come forward with the best quality products or services that will satisfy the changing requirements of the customers. Customers have become choosier as they are getting more alternative products and services. They will take the products that will best serve their requirements, in terms of quality or price. Satisfying these customers is not so easy job. For that, an organization must come forward with the best products/services to remain in the leading position. For that reason, every business organization, small or big needs to formulate and implement its business strategies. Only the good strategies can make an organization successful in todays competition and helps them to survive. Bigger companies will always be ahead in this race, as they have got rigorous strategies that are being planned and implemented throughout each of their levels. Smaller companies always thrive for survival and try to grow bigger. Strategic planning provides an organization direction. With the help of this, organizations can know their position in the industry and take appropriate measures for future growth and expansion. Strategic planning also help them to process day to day business functions, which are very important to run the business successfully. A companys mission/vision can never be attained without a proper strategic planning and the objectives of the company can not be achieved without it. A strategic planning process helps an organization in meeting the following perspectives: Focused purpose: Strategic planning helps the organizations to define their short term business purposes clearly, i.e. where they want to see themselves in a year or two years of time, making the profit targets, segmenting their market, and making different marketing mix. Strat egic planning ensures that mission is realistic and achievable and being taken with due considerations of current business trend and analysis. Good planning serves the best interests of the stakeholders. Moreover, it defines a point of differentiation. Future Perspectives: In considering the future perspectives of an organization, the strategic planning clearly defines the long term objectives, i.e. the vision of the organization, identifies the long-term interests of the stakeholders, and provides a foundation for decision-making to the management of the organization. Strategic advantage: Strategic planning helps an organization achieving the competitive advantage over others and makes it clearly understood to all the stakeholders of the company. It also increases the employee productivity by clearly presenting the roles and duties they need to serve for the organization. External assessment: A good strategic planning helps an organization in assessing the external factors outside the business entity, which is very important to be successful and to remain ahead of the competition. An external assessment reflects an organizations approaches to gather and analyze essential market data, e.g. studying macro and micro economic information, identifying industry opportunities and threats, and understanding what it takes to be successful in a given market. Customer profiles: Customer profiling is an external business assessment by the organization that define reasons why the customers should buy its products or services and the benefits persisting with such products. It also defines the reason why the customers should not buy some products or services, assess the customers bargaining power. Moreover, strategic planning helps the organization know the customers preferences of different choices of distribution channels. Industry and competitive analysis: This is an important component of business strategy that helps the organization in identifying the pr imary competitors in the industry, determines potential and indirect competitors, also identifies their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, helps the organization in assessing the threats of substitute products or services or new entrants into the market place. A good planning helps the organization in comparing growth rate with industry standard, and evaluates ongoing market process. Environmental assessment: Strategic planning does the following to assess the business environment for the organization; identifying the regulatory requirements; Assessing vulnerability to adverse business cycle, summarizing opportunities and threats due to economic condition, new technology, demographic structure, legal or political events, socio-cultural norms, and the natural environment. Assessing key success factors: Strategic planning helps the organization in assessing the key success factors in doing business. Key success factors are identified with a critical thinking proce ss that includes implementation of critical thinking process; measuring competitive intensity; setting the demand of products or services within the market; defining key drivers to success within the industry; and consistently monitoring key influences within the industry. Internal assessment: By making strategic plans, an organization can assess its internal factors which help the organization to evaluate its own strengths and weaknesses. Self assessment is very vital to sustain as a successful business entity. An organizations internal assessment process refers to the evaluation of its management process which includes: Finance: Strategic planning determines whether an organization has enough fund available for investment or for ongoing business functions; sets up a comprehensive pricing model; keep the consistency of performance within a range of financial goal; makes a targeted long ranged financial plan; employs a cost benefit approach to resource allocation; makes a financial plan that allow flexibility and economic or environmental disruption. Research development: Having a strategic planning process empowers an organization to integrate all appropriate departments with RD, maintain a creative and innovative process; and ensures that RD department has all r equired resources to fulfill its functions. Production: Strategic planning program helps an organization to integrate all of its departments to support the production process; maintains that the production process is cost-effective, flexible, fast and responsive. Marketing: Strategies helps an organization in making coordination among all the departments to support marketing, defining marketing plans, branding the products or services, usage of database to track all the customers and market information, promotion of the products or services, and monitoring the ROI of all marketing campaigns. Sales Distribution: By planning its strategies, an organization consistently achieves sales goals, ensures that its sales personnel have got the required skills to achieve plan are being provided with necessary information to achieve their goals, employs a well defined sales management process, and coordinates all other departments to support sales process. Customer servicing: If th e organization takes the appropriate strategic planning, then it can define the standard of its customer service, meet the customers expectations, measure the satisfaction level of the customers, achieve the customer loyalty by building a high commitment between employees and managers, and maintain a customer relationship management system that provides critical service information to make the best decision IMPLEMENTATION OF PLANNING PROCESS After formulating the strategies, a firms main concern is how to implement those selected strategies. This is done by means programs, budgets and procedures that involve the firms resources and motivation of the staffs to achieve such objectives. In order to ensure that the planning process is not a document that ends up collecting dust on the shelf, an organization should follow some guidelines that will ensure that the planning is being implemented. An organization can do that by involving people who will be responsible for implementi ng the plan, can make a cross functional team combining representatives from each department who will be liable to ensure that the plan is realistic and collaborative. In order to that, the organization must continue asking them whether the plans are realistic or not, or can they really achieve all their goals or not. The organization can organize the overall strategic plan into small action plans. In the overall planning document, the organization should specify who is doing what and by when it is going to be implemented. Some organizations may elect to include the action plans in a separate document from the strategic plan, which would include only the mission, vision, values, key issues and goals, and strategies. The organization should also specify and clarify the plans implementation roles and responsibilities in the implementation section of the plan and make a regular review on the progress of the implementation plan. Translating the strategic plans actions into job descriptions can stimulate the implementation process quicker. When people involved in any process know that the action plans will be regularly reviewed, then the implementers tend to do their jobs before they are being checked. So organization needs to review the plan time to time and communicate with the personnel involved in the process. Moreover, the organization can integrate the plans goals and objectives into chief executives performance review, this will get the implementation process more importance as the chief executives involvement and support in the plan is a major driver to the plans implementation. Regular feedback on the implementation plan from the planning participants to the executive committee is also very important in strategy implementation. Make sure that the organization has designated rotating checkers to verify if each implementer completes his/her assigned tasks. The organization should also grow an attitude of helping each other among the impleme nters in the strategy implantation program. The way by which the strategies are being implemented can have a significant impact on whether it will be successful or not. For this reason, care must be taken to communicate the strategies among implementers. For a sustained and successful strategies carried out by an organization, the implemented strategies must be regularly viewed and monitored, and necessary adjustments should be made time to time. Bradford and Duncan (2000). Simplified Strategic Planning. Chandler House. Patrick L. Burkhart and Suzanne Reuss (1993). Successful Strategic Planning: A Guide for Nonprofit Agencies and Organizations. Newbury Park: Sage Publications. Mintzberg, Henry, Lampel, J., Ahlstrand, B., Strategy Safari: A Guided Tour through the Wilds of Strategic Management

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Drug Prevention And Education America s Largest And...

When it comes to drug prevention and education, it must differ and be carefully designed depending on the age group and other contributing factors to drug use/abuse. One of the world’s largest and longest running programs has had a great impact on society, both nationally and globally. Even if someone has never attended a seminar or been taught a class in their school, a majority of people know or at least have heard of the D.A.R.E. program. This program has a humble beginning and a positive mission to prevent drug use and abuse as well as educate students on the dangers of drugs and other societal issues. The D.A.R.E. program was founded in 1983 by Los Angeles police chief Daryl Gates and the Los Angeles Unified School District, and it stands for â€Å"Drug Abuse Resistance Education.† As of today, it is a K-12 education program that teaches students about drug prevention, violence, gang membership, bullying, and internet safety in the United States as well as 52 other countries. As an international nonprofit organization, it is also one of the most prevalent drug abuse prevention programs in the United States and allegedly the world. Curriculum consists of elements such as resistance, self-esteem and skills training, and workbooks. All of the D.A.R.E. classes and curriculum are taught by trained police officers. According to the D.A.R.E. website, the program was created due to the â€Å"unparalleled drug abuse among our youth in the 1970s and early 1980s.† ( Los AngelesShow MoreRelatedHuman Trafficking : A Public Health Problem Within The United States4906 Words   |  20 Pagesreceive through the Cyber Tipline. The National Center for Missing Exploited Center also analyzed more than 139 million images and videos depicting apparent child pornography through the Child Victim Identification Program. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior

Question: Discuss about the International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior. Answer: Introduction: Resistance to change refers to the action taken by specific people or group of people if they perceive that a change has already taken place and it poses threat to them. In other words, it refer to the transformation within organizations, though one can found elsewhere in other style. The rationale of the resistance of change is straightforward as individuals substantiate their actions to themselves. The signs of resistance of change occurs as a result of people unable spotting it emerging and hence get surprised rather than responding appropriately to it(Herscovitch, 2010). In the organization both local and international businesses, employees resist change if the entry of the change is introduced poorly, if it interrupt with their work, and if the employees disqualify the need for change. It is imperative for the mangers to consider what kind of change they bring in to the organization because they can result to serious resistance to the changes. However, if the mangers considers t hose changes and effect in to their organizations using proper introduction, then resistance can be minimized and eschew to process of handling workers resistance to change. The study therefore, discuss the reasons for the resistance to change. The paper will also describe the ways to manage employees resistance, and ethics of the managerial and resistant positions. In addition the paper will critically assess the implications of the managerial and of resistant positions for achieving an effective change management program. The organization should be ready to face resistance to change and plan for it. Right away from the inception of organization change management program will concede it to successfully control objections. The organization should therefore identify the most common reasons employees object to change. The primary objection of resistance will give the organization an opportunity to assess the change strategy to address the reasons. The proactive measure that every organization should be aware and expect resistance to change and be prepared to coup up with them.(Hatch, 2012) Identifying the behaviors that indicate likely hood of resistance will bring forth awareness of the necessity to address the concerns. The following reason may trigger for resistance to change: Reason for Resistance to Change in organization The unclear purpose of the change. When the employees misunderstand the essence of change they lack morale to work. If the workers of a certain organization will be introduced a new policy which contradict they working environment one expect resistance(Conger, 2011). A good example is Coca Cola Company effecting the policy on checking all the employees before they leave the job in the evening. Fear of the unfamiliar. If the motive for the change is unclear, be it about costs, work environment, and equipment. An example of most common factors of the unknown include when employees take an active steps toward those unidentified things that opt to bring change. However, the workers in an organization will show willingness towards the honest believe and feel. The genuine of the feeling will implicate the risks of remaining still than those of moving on in a new direction.(Champy, 2010) Employees will react against change if they have introduced policy with consulting them. Employees may like to identify the authenticity of the policy especially when their job is affected. Knowledgeable employees tend to have higher levels of work gratification than uniformed. The employees also feel lack of proficiency. If the organization requires changes of expertise the employees will feel uncomfortable for the transition. For instance, many companies may Information Technology expert to program the services offered by the company. The will require immediate IT professional either among the employees or the company may source from elsewhere.(Chemers, 2012) Benefits and rewards, if the benefits and rewards have detrimental and gaps for organization change they will trigger to troubles. However, the organizations should set their clear and precise for employees comprehend them. Benefits and rewards result to resistance to change by helping workers to mount pressure towards the organizations. Ethics of the managerial and resistant positions: Employee resistance to managing of change have rated as a complex problem. The process of change may be pervasive. Workers resistance may critically impact to the disappointment of efforts meant to initiate change in the organization. The primary role of managers in every organization is to make employees feel comfortable with any change. Identifying the origins of resistance should be fronted to bring solutions to the problems arising. Moreover, the employees should address their feedback to the management and they help to enhance the process of accepting the change. Change may not be the problem rather the problem may be resistance to change.(Brown, 2012) Managerial moral codes addresses principles and policies. Therefore, ethics of the managerial refers to set of paradigm that prescribe the conduct of a manager operating within organization. The principle-based ethics highlight the consideration in terms of fair and morally in the organization. The scope of working environment include information about departments and the use of organization equipment. On the other hand, policy based managerial ethics clearly shows the conflicts of interest, the right of handling branded information. For example, Enrons companys management inspired workers to buy shares and dividend of the company stock. Though the managers knew that the shares would devalue but they failed to inform their clients. The action therefore, show violation of ethical regulation and reluctant their role to protect the employees over exploitation. Ethics of the managerial help to shape decision making and regulate both internal and external behavior of organization.(Bacal, 2009) Implications and Strategies for achieving an effective change management program: Change is inevitable in modern organizations. Therefore, for the many organization should cultivate the culture of adopting changes. The employee also should be aware of the organizational changes. The following approaches help to impeach resistance to change. Organization should always find a desirable change which accommodate all employees to avoid loss. The perceived urge for change can be enhanced by bringing other issue that workers already care about. If the organization link to health matters, security of job and other things that exist within the working place, changes can easily adopted. Moreover, organization can make change stickier hence, less likely to replace new demands. Organizations must have people for to them to run smoothly. Therefore, they should implement and tailor information to the employees expectations. Workers may hold strong understanding of how the organizations works. For instance, they may incline to the reaction when they introduce a change as something good about to happen. They also perceive the change as a prevention model and reject it to eschew loss.(Terry, 2013) The organization should make the changes internal and very concrete. Frequently, organization change poses some sort of threat. The organizations should weigh if the threat is seen more relevant to keep outsiders away than to the workers in the working place. However, the organization can determine in concrete positions that the threat is local and will have a genuine influence on the employees. For example when the organization introduces a policy that poses threat to climate change, employees may think the change as threat to them and others. Therefore, the change takes time to be effected. On the other hand, if organization demonstrate with a concrete examples precisely how the change will impact the resident community or organization, they adopt the required changes. Organization should prioritize address personal concerns. Most organization rationalize the need for change by showing their workers the implications of change that meant for the organization. The approach of getting the employees to buy in the change may be termed as poor. Employees always react vigorously when a change is introduced. They always get concern with their personal welfare. Organizations should deal with workers personal concerns. The later concerns on the organization will be later effected. Organizations should seek provisional changes to achieve the target. Though transformational change is fundamental, it need a shift in expectations prepared by the organization. They add up to a substantial structure and progressions, values and approach. Therefore result to operation that create developmental approach.(Mabey, 2013) Conclusion: In a nutshell, change is hard to implement. Similarly, change is unavoidable. The complexity of change process may be overcame but enough time and effective managers are required. Organizational change occurs as a result of many factors that play in. the changes may either affect internal or external environment(Mumford, 2012). As discussed above the resistance to change are quite many. Employees will need to adopt with the changes though organization also should streamline them to fit all people. Management of change is used ensure organization success. They are used shape the organizations objectives. Hence without them the risks of meeting the goals can realized. In addition, losing productivity, is as result of poor change management. Organizations effect changes to improve effectiveness of the operation of business. Effective leadership implement change with easiness thus reducing resistance from the employee. It is worth stating that resistance to change strategy depend on the type of organization. Different organization require to overcome resistance of change differently. References Bacal, R. (2009). International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior. Harvard Business School Press, 23-45. Brown, M. C. (2012). Organizational Performance. Adminstrative Science Quartely, 1-10. Champy, J. (2010). Reengineering Management. New York: Harper Business. Chemers, M. M. (2012). Leadership Effectiveness. Blackwell handbook of social psychology, 376-399. Conger, J. R. (2011). Toward a Behavioral theory of Charismatic Leadership in Organization settings. Academy of Management Review, 34-37. Hatch, M. J. (2012). The Culture Dynamics of Organization and Change. Journal Organizational Behavior, 213-225. Herscovitch, L. . (2010). Commitment to Organizational Change. Journal of applied Psychology, 46-53. Mabey, C. .-W. (2013). Managing Change. London: PCP Publishers. Mumford, M. D. (2012). Leading Creative people. Leadership Quarterly, 705-723. Terry, D. (2013). Social Identity Processes In Organizations. Psychology Press, 216-223.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Women and Politics Since the Reconstruction an Example by

Women and Politics Since the Reconstruction The Reconstruction brought people to see through racial and gender prejudices Old world America was a hugely racist and patriarchal society. It was the time of the extensive slavery of black people, and the time when women were viewed as mere housewives who are bound by the whims of their men. However, things changed after the civil war. It called for a freer and more liberal thinking; to recognize that all people, black or white, man or woman, have the capacity to be great in their own way, and should not be limited and discriminated due to their race and gender. As proof of that, after the war, women and blacks stated being accepted in higher positions in the society; they stated taking more active roles in the society. They gradually started being accepted and incorporated in the American politics. America started to become more liberal and free from the bonds of white supremacy and patriarchy. Need essay sample on "Women and Politics Since the Reconstruction" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed The American Reconstruction Era began in 1865, after the American civil war, and ended in 1877. It was the period when America was recovering from the civil war. The Civil war was a battle between the United States of America (the Union) formed by the northern Free states and the Confederate States of America formed by the southern slave states. So the war was basically a battle between the superior white males who were imposing their dominance and the black slaves who were asking for equality. Naturally, after the war, the people should compromise and make amends as to what caused the war. With that, the Reconstruction was Americas attempt at interracial democracy; it was supposedly the end of slavery in America as we know it. Our Customers Very Often Tell EssayLab support: How much do I have to pay someone to make my essay today? Essay writers suggest: Don't Waste Your Time Essay Writing Company Cheap Reliable Essay Writing Service Writing Services Essay Writing Company Reviews Looking at it closer, we can determine that America today, seems to still be under the Reconstruction period. The primary issues then are still relevant and unresolved issues today such as the role of the federal government in protecting citizens' rights, and the possibility of economic and racial justice. As for the women, the civil war liberated them from their roles as merely the wives of men and mother of their families. They took more active roles in the society and even filled out roles usually assigned to men while still caring for their families. Their opinions were now being heard and considered. During the reconstruction, the women now knew that there was something more they could do aside from being wives and mothers. Continuing to the present, we can see that there now are female police officers, soldiers, politicians, etc. A good example of what the Reconstruction period was about is the recent presidential elections. The two leading candidates were Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama; a woman and a black, and they are both firsts of their kind should either o them win. It is apparent that the old biases on black Americans and women are now being disregarded. More and more people today have now learned to think liberally and see through the notions regarding race and gender. This was what the Reconstruction period was trying to get at. However, a change in the society of such proportions cannot come easy. The development started during the reconstruction and is still continuing up to the present day. There may still be certain prejudices regarding race and gender, those cannot be easily avoided, but the extent of those today is no longer as intense as before. Today, with a black man has won the elections, it can be expected that racism and prejudices will be lessened even more. People will learn to see that all humans are the same no matter how different our external appearances may be. The desired effects of the Reconstruction period is getting realized even more today. References Foner, E. (2002). Reconstruction: America's Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877. New York: Harper Perennial. Harrold, S. (2007). The Civil War and Reconstruction. South Carolina State University. Perman, M. (1997). Major Problems in the Civil War and Reconstruction (Major Problems in American History). Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. Whites L.A. (1995). The Civil War as a Crisis in Gender: Augusta, Georgia, 1860-1890 Athens: University of Georgia Press.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

glacier national park essays

glacier national park essays Picture this: You are camped out about 7:00 or so in a valley by a large lake. A mirrored image of the snow peaked mountains lay still in the ice cold water. The cool glacier air opens up your lungs as you inhale the moist air. The sun starts to set around 9:00 an a feeling of aloneness, and uncertainty surrounds you. The sound of silence soon gives way to coyotes, owls, and other animals in the area that start to haunt you. Although it is night time the sky is still present, and The ceiling of the park is enormous and remind us of how small we really are. Glacier National Park is located in the northwest corner on Montana. The park consists of over 1600 miles of natural beauty, 1600 miles can get you to Florida back. The Park contains over 250 lakes, over 50 glaciers, over 1100 native wildlife flowers, and is home to over 50 different species of animals. Glacier National Park is incredible because of its natural beauty, its isolation from the world, and its uniqueness. 1.) Upon entering the park, perhaps the first thing noticed is the sky. When you look up and see the sky the thing you notice most is the size. You will see the whole sky, in comparison to around here where you see only parts of the sky. The different colors in the sky provide you with constant scenery. The area is appropriately nickname "BIG SKY COUNTRY." If you choose to drive through the park, you will drive on the appropriately name "GOING TO THE SUN ROAD." This is a 50 mile winding road that provides you various scenery such as Sperry glacier, the 2nd largest glacier in the park. This road is considered one of the worlds great scenic drives. It crosses the continental divide, at Logan pass, the roads most impressive point. Along this road there are several overlooks that let you see the parks picturesque beauty. According to Robert Scharff, a researcher on National Par ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

A Brief History of the Ivory Trade in Africa

A Brief History of the Ivory Trade in Africa   Ivory has been desired since antiquity because its relative softness made it easy to carve into intricate decorative items for the very wealthy.  For the past one hundred years, the ivory trade in Africa has been closely regulated, yet the trade continues to thrive. Ivory Trade in Antiquity During the days of the Roman Empire, the ivory exported from Africa largely came from North African elephants. These elephants were also used in the Roman coliseum fights and occasionally as transport in war and were hunted to extinction around the 4th century C.E. After that point, the ivory trade in Africa declined for several centuries. Medieval Times to the Renaissance By the 800s, the trade in African ivory had picked-up again. In these years, traders transported ivory from West Africa along the trans-Saharan trade routes to the North African coast or brought East African ivory up in boats along the coastline to the market-cities of north-east Africa and the Middle East. From these depots, ivory was taken across the Mediterranean to Europe or to Central and East Asia, though the latter regions could easily acquire ivory from southeast Asian elephants. European Traders and Explorers (1500-1800) As Portuguese navigators began exploring the West African coastline in the 1400s, they soon entered into the lucrative ivory trade, and other European sailors were not far behind. During these years, ivory was still acquired almost exclusively by African hunters, and as the demand continued, the elephant population near the coastlines declined. In response, African hunters traveled further and further inland in search of elephant herds. As the trade in ivory moved inland, the hunters and traders needed a way to transport the ivory to the coast.  In West Africa, trade focused on numerous rivers that emptied into the Atlantic, but in Central and East Africa, there were fewer rivers to use. Sleeping Sickness and other tropical diseases also made it almost impossible to use animals (like horses, oxen, or camels) to transport goods in West, Central, or central-East Africa, and this meant that people were the primary movers of goods.   The Ivory and Slave Trades (1700-1900) The need for human porters meant that the growing slave and ivory trades went hand-in-hand, particularly in East and Central Africa. In those regions, African and Arab slave traders traveled inland from the coast, purchased or hunted down large numbers of slaves and ivory, and then forced the slaves to carry the ivory as they marched down to the coast. Once they reached the coast, the traders sold both the slaves and the ivory for hefty profits. The Colonial Era In the 1800s and early 1900s, European ivory hunters began hunting elephants in greater numbers. As demand for ivory increased, elephant populations were decimated. In 1900, several African colonies passed  game laws that limited hunting, though recreational hunting remained possible for those who could afford the expensive licenses.   Pouching and Legitimate Ivory Trade, Today At Independence in the 1960s, most African countries maintained or increased colonial game legislation laws, either outlawing hunting or permitting it only with the purchase of expensive licenses. Poaching and the ivory trade continued, however. In 1990, African elephants, with the exception of those in Botswana, South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Namibia, were added to Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna, which means that participating countries agreed not to allow their trade for commercial purposes. Between 1990 and 2000, the elephants in Botswana, South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Namibia, were added to Appendix II, which permits trade in ivory but requires an export permit to do it.   Many argue, though, that any legitimate trade in ivory encourages poaching and adds a shield for it since illegal ivory can be publicly displayed once purchased. It looks the same as legitimate ivory, for which their continues to be relatively high demand for both Asian medicine and decorative objects.   Sources Hughes, Donald, â€Å"Europe as Consumer of Exotic Biodiversity: Greek and Roman times,† Landscape Research 28.1 (2003): 21-31. Stahl, Ann B., and Peter Stahl. â€Å"Ivory production consumption in Ghana in the early second millennium AD,† Antiquity 78.299 (March 2004): 86-101.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Anti-competitive Behavior of the Wisconsin Chiropractic Association Essay - 3

Anti-competitive Behavior of the Wisconsin Chiropractic Association - Essay Example The FTC functions as an equalizer between the vulnerable consumers and the wealthy and powerful businessmen and corporations. It serves as a monitoring agency in the regulation of commodity prices. It also serves to protect businesses from each other by giving all of them fair and equal opportunities to trade their wares in the consumer market. Public policy considerations against anti-competitive behavior revolve around keeping the prices of commodities and services affordable to the public while still achieving a high level of quality in goods and services. The FTC monitors the consumer market for possible violations in anti-competition and anti-trust policies. This monitoring is done with the help of the consumers. Consumers are encouraged to report unfair competition practices of businesses and industries. Through the FTC, many industries are encouraged and motivated to produce high-end goods and services while still making them available to the consumer at affordable prices. The public has the right to expect an assortment of choices in their goods and services. It also has the right to be protected against businessmen and corporations who may take it upon themselves to agree about prices in order to manipulate the market. The public has the right to be protected against monopolies. Monopolies restrict the public’s right to avail of similar products traded by other companies. This practice restricts the participation of industries in similar trading lines controlled by more dominant corporations.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Prevalence of CKD among the Aboriginal and the Risk Factors Essay

Prevalence of CKD among the Aboriginal and the Risk Factors - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that kidney damage shown by the passing of protein in the urine, is widespread among the Aboriginal, and proportions of treated chronic kidney disease among the Aboriginal have at times been reported to be more than 30 times the levels of other Australians. Though data on the occurrences and prevalence of CKD among the Aboriginal is not present at the national level, the big burden resulting from CKD within this population is shown by the high rate of prevalence of CKD, the high cases and prevalence of ESKD, the high hospitalization cases and mortality rates related with CKD among the Aboriginal. The biggest challenge facing the Aboriginal is accessibility to healthcare. Risk factors for chronic kidney disease are greatly prevalent among the Aboriginal communities. Poor nutrition, alcohol abuse, tobacco smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes and other preventable diseases are widespread among many Aboriginal and have been related to kidney problems within this community. Data from the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organization indicated higher levels of diabetes, obesity, smoking, and high blood pressure among the Aboriginal in comparison with other Australians. Add this to the poor social-economic conditions and usual remote regions resulting in poor accessibility of health services and you get increased cases of CKD as well as other chronic illnesses among the Aboriginal. There is also higher cases of low birth weights among the Aboriginal and this according to McDonald contributes to increased risk for kidney disease, outside other risk factors.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Efficacy of radiation treatment for recurrent keloids Essay Example for Free

Efficacy of radiation treatment for recurrent keloids Essay Keloid is a condition in which an overgrowth of scar tissue (basically fibrous tissue) occurs at the spot of damage to the skin. Besides skin injuries, keloids can also occur at the site of surgical incisions, traumatic lesions, burns, acne scars, scratches, insect bites, etc. The condition more frequently occurs in African-Americans, and is more common in younger individuals. The lesion usually crosses the site of normal skin injury. It appears flesh-colored, pink or red in color and may be nodular or ridged. They may be shiny and are slightly elevated above the skin. With time, the lesions become more and more flat and lighter in color. Keloids most often occur in the upper portion of the body including the chest and back. Areas that are frequently rubbed or experience great amounts of friction are at the high risk of developing keloids. Keloids that are exposed to sunlight are at the risk of become darker in color. The diagnosis of the keloids is made based on the basis of the history, physical examination and biopsy (Merck, 2005, Mayo, 2007 Lehrer, 2006). Usually, treatment is not required for keloids, as with time, the lesions become flatter and lighter in color. Several treatment modalities such as surgery, cryotherapy, pressure therapy, local injections of corticosteroid, laser therapy and radiation, have been employed and may seem to be beneficial in the treatment of the keloids. However, frequently, following removal of the keloids, a new lesion appearing larger than the previous one may develop. However, radiation therapy following surgery is known to be effective in preventing keloids from recurring (Merck, 2005, Mayo, 2007 Lehrer, 2006). Klumpar et al (1994) has reported that such a combination of treatment would help to control recurrence by about 72 to 92 %. Radiation is utilized to treat recurrence of keloids. About 126 cases were treated in the study by surgical removing the lesion, and then applying radiation, in the form of Electron beam or ortho-voltage. The rates of recurrences were found to be low. The study demonstrated that the recurrences were higher in those lesions that were infected and in patients who had tendencies for keloids in their families. The study also demonstrated that keloids that hampered cosmetic appearance could be effectively treated with surgery followed by radiation therapy (Klumpar, 1994). Narwong et al (2006) reported a recurrence rate of about 50 to 80 % in the earlobe keloids after removing them surgically. They performed a study on about simple exercise in about 15 patients and then treated them with iridium radiation therapy. The cases were followed up for about 6 months, and it was observed that only 12. 5 % of the cases developed recurrences (Narwong, 2006). De Lorenzi et al (2006) conducted more precise studies on the recurrence of keloids following radiation therapy. They treated about 24 patients with 30 keloids with high dose iridium therapy. The scar thickness reduced significantly following radiation therapy. Several symptoms such as pain, irritation, etc, also reduced significantly. A majority of the patients were satisfied with the treatment provided (De Lorenzi, 2006). Van de kar al (2007) reported that currently the data available is not sufficient to suggest the benefits of performing radiation therapy after surgical removal. Previous studies have demonstrated that surgery in association with radiation therapy seemed to be the most effective treatment for preventing keloids recurrences. However, Van der reported a recurrence rate of about 71. %, much higher than was anticipated. The cases were followed up for about 19 months (van de kar, 2007). Thus it felt that although, radiation therapy seems to be effective in reducing recurrences of keloids following surgery, several long-term studies and assessment of the factors which would increase the chances of developing keloids. These factors have to be identified following consistent results obtained through studies. From the paper observed, it is felt that radiation therapy following surgery, is the most efficient modality of reducing recurrences.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Henrik Isbens A Dolls House :: A Dolls House Essays

Women Have Come A Long Way   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"A Doll House† is no more about women’s rights than Shakespeare’s Richard II is about the divine right of kings, or Ghosts about syphilis. . . . Its theme is the need of every individual to find out the kind of person he or she is and to strive to become that person.† (Bloom 28) Ibsen portays this behavior in A Doll House through one of the main characters, Nora Helmer, by setting the scene in Norway in 1872. In the late 1800s, women did not play an important role in society at all. Their job was mainly to cook, clean, sew, take care of the children, and keep the house in order. They were treated as a material possession rather than a human being that could think and act for themselves and looked upon as a decorative member of the household. Women were robbed of their true identity and at the end of the play, Nora leaves everything behind to go out into the world to seek her identity.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This behavior can be traced back to the beginning of time when women were to stay home and gather nuts and berries, while the men would go out and do the hunting and fishing. The male always dominated over the women and it was not viewed as â€Å"unfair.† Male children would go to school to get an education in history, mathematics, science, english/writing, while the female would go to school to learn how to cook, sew, clean, and do household chores. The male could then further advance his education by attending a college or university, whereas no college would accept a women student. â€Å"The history of mankind is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations on the part of men toward woman, having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over her.† (Declaration of Sentiments) It was believed that women were the inferior gender and had to have special attention given to them. This idea dates back to the Medieval Period in history and is where the whole idea of chivalry came about and men having to provide special care. One can see that the idea of male superiority can be referenced back to very early on in civilization to the day A Doll House was written. â€Å"Torvald: You stay right here and five me a reckoning. You understand what you’ve done?

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

High Schools in Australia and China Essay

High schools play an important role in teenager education. Each country pays high attention on it, so they try their best to improve the high school education system. Because of different cultures, high schools have many differences in various countries. For example, comparing high schools in Australia and China, there are several similarities and differences in three areas, including the teaching styles, the curriculum, and the time spent. First of all, the teaching styles in high schools between Australia and China have a similarity, but they have many differences. The similarity is that both Australian and Chinese teachers expect students to ask questions and contribute to discussions, and they ask students who break the rules to leave class and wait outside as a punishment. However, teaching styles in China and Australia have many differences. Chinese teachers stand in front of the classroom during the class, while the Australian teachers move around the room and sit on the tables. Moreover, sometimes Australian teachers have class outdoors. Whenever Chinese teachers call the students, they use the full name, but the Australian teachers use the first name. The students in Australian who have a various table arrangements sit more free than the Chinese students, for Chinese students usually sit in a steady desk arrangement. The main reason causing these differences is that Chinese classroom atmosphere is formal and strict; however, Australian atmosphere is relaxed and informal. On the other hand, the curriculum in China is completely different from Australian. One difference is that they have various subjects. The academic subjects in China are English, Chinese, and Math, although the Australian is English. Chinese students usually choose the English as the second language, but Australian chooses the Japanese. After that, another difference is the exams. For instance, Chinese students have to attend the Senior High School Entrance Examination and the College Entrance Examination, in which they can pass into the senior high schools and universities; nevertheless, Australian students only have exams at years from ten to twelve. Finally, a comparison of time spent between two countries receives several similarities as much as the differences. Some arrangements in Australia are the same as the Chinese. For example, the students go to school from Monday to Friday; furthermore, they have physical education at least one hundred minutes, like the sport time every week. Then two countries both divide high school years into junior years and senior years. In China years from seven to nine are junior years; in contrast, years from ten to twelve are senior years. However, in Australia years from seven to ten are junior, though the years after ten are senior years. Every year Australia has four terms, while china has two. And Australian students spent about six and a half hours at school; still, Chinese students stay at school for nine hours. To sum up, it is clear that high school education various from China to Australia in three different areas, even though they have some similarities. China and Australia have their own history and culture so that they create their own education system. However, each system has advantages which are better than others.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Materials engineering

Mercury is a common element that is found naturally in a free state or mixed in ores. Because mercury is very dense, expands and contracts evenly with temperature changes, and has high electrical conductivity, it has been used in thousands of industrial, agricultural, medical, and household applications. Major uses of mercury include dental amalgams, tilt switches, thermometers, lamps, pigments, batteries, reagents, barometers, manometers, and hydrometers. It also may be present in rocks or released during volcanic activity. (Ross & Associates, 1994) Mercury can enter the environment from a number of paths. For example, if a mercury-containing item is thrown into the garbage, the mercury may be released into the atmosphere from landfill vapors or, or the mercury may vaporize if the trash is incinerated. If mercury is flushed through a wastewater system, the mercury will likely adhere to the wastewater sludge, where it has the potential to volatilize and be deposited elsewhere. Mercury can enter the atmosphere through these various means because it evaporates easily. It can travel through the atmosphere in a vaporized state. (Ross & Associates, 1994) Once mercury is deposited into lakes and streams, bacteria convert some of the mercury into an organic form called methylmercury. This is the form of mercury that humans and other animals ingest when they eat some types fish. Methylmercury is particularly dangerous because it bioaccumulates in the environment. Bioaccumulation occurs when the methylmercury in fish tissue concentrates as larger fish eat smaller fish. (U.S. EPA, 1994) Methylmercury interferes with the nervous system of human body and can result in a decreased ability to walk, talk, see, and hear. In extreme examples, high levels of methylmercury consumption have resulted in coma or death. Many animals that eat fish also accumulate methylmercury. Mercury can interfere with an animal's ability to reproduce, and lead to weight loss, or early death. (Ross & Associates, 1994) Instruments containing mercury on campus Thermometers Description: Thermometers include fever thermometers for home and medical use, laboratory thermometers, and industrial thermometers. How to Identify: The bulbs of thermometers containing mercury are usually silver in color. Types of mercury thermometers on campus include: Laboratory and weather thermometers. Amount of Mercury: typical fever thermometers contain about 0.5 grams of mercury each, while laboratory thermometers contain up to 3 grams of mercury. Pollution Prevention Options: Mercury-free alternatives are digital, aneroid, and alcohol thermometers, and for most applications they are as accurate as mercury thermometers. Digital thermometers tend to last longer, however, because they are less likely to break. Safe Handling: Mercury thermometers are easily broken when not handled carefully. If the break occurs, use two pieces of paper or two razor blades to scoop it up from a smooth surface. An eyedropper or a mercury vacuum can also be used. Mercury spill kits are available from safety equipment supply companies for large mercury spills. (U.S. EPA, 1994) Safe Disposal: Save old or broken thermometers in an air-tight container. Homeowners can use local household hazardous waste collection programs for disposal. Businesses should deliver their thermometers to a consolidation site or arrange for a transporter to take them. Contact your county or state environmental office or solid waste office for services available in your area. Also, save the invoices that track your waste that include the following information: date of shipment, amount of waste, location from where waste is shipped, and destination of shipment. Thermostats Description: Mercury-containing thermostats use mercury tilt switches. How to Identify: Most thermostats, other than electric thermostats, contain mercury. To determine if a thermostat contains mercury, remove the front plate. Mercury-containing thermostats contain one or more small mercury switches. Thermostats are generally mounted on walls and easily found. (U.S. EPA, 1994) Amount of Mercury: About 3 grams of mercury are in each mercury tilt switch. Most thermostats have one switch; some have two, and up to six switches are possible. Pollution Prevention Options: Programmable electronic thermostats are mercury free, and they are more energy-efficient than the mercury model. Look for programmable electronic thermostats that have the Energy Star label. Safe Removal: Remove the entire thermostat using a screwdriver and a pair of wire-cutters and store safely. Don't remove the switches from the thermostat, or dismantle the thermostat. Safe Disposal: Store the entire thermostat in a marked container until it can be sent for proper disposal. In many states, the Thermostat Recycling Corporation operates a recycling program utilizing heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) wholesalers; eventually this program will be in operation nation-wide. The wholesalers consolidate thermostats from contractors and send them to recyclers; only whole thermostats are accepted. (U.S. EPA, 1995) Switches Description: Mercury is contained in temperature-sensitive switches and mechanical tilt switches. Mercury tilt switches are small tubes with electrical contacts at one end of the tube. As the tube tilts, the mercury collects at the lower end, providing a conductive path to compete the circuit. When the switch is tilted back, the circuit is broken. How to Identify: A mercury tilt switch is usually present when no switch is visible. They are used in thermostats, silent light switches, and clothes washer lids. Amount of Mercury: About 3.5 grams of mercury are contained in a small electrical switch. Industrial switches may contain up to 8 pounds of mercury. Pollution Prevention Option: Alternatives to mercury switches include hard-contact switches and solid-state switches. Safe Removal: Remove switches from appliances very carefully so as not to release any mercury into the environment. Safe Disposal: Store mercury switches in a suitable leak proof, closeable containers. A five gallon plastic bucket with a lid may work. Each container must be labeled â€Å"Mercury Switches for Recycling.† Be careful to keep the switches from breaking and releasing mercury into the environment. If breakage occurs, you must immediately take steps to contain and clean up the spill. Take switches to a consolidation site or arrange with a transporter to take them. Contact your county or state environmental office/ solid waste office for services in your area. Keep records of the mercury switches you have recycled, including copies of invoices containing information on the date of shipment, number of switches, and location.   (U.S. EPA, 1994) Manometers, Barometers, and Hydrometers Description: Manometers and barometers are used for measuring air pressure. Hydrometers are used to measure density of liquid. How to Identify: All these devices will have a gauge for reading air pressure. Pollution Prevention Options: The Replacements of mercury containing Manometers     are battery operated digital units and vacuum gauges. Battery operated digital units are extremely sensitive. Safe Removal: To safely remove the manometer or barometer, remove the entire device from the machine it is attached to. Safe Disposal: Put the entire unit into an airtight, labeled container and ship it to a mercury recycling plant. Sphygmomanometers Description: Sphygmomanometers are used to measure blood pressure. How to Identify: Usually, they are installed on walls and placed on tables in hospitals. Pollution Prevention Options:   The replacement for mercury sphygmomanometers includes electric vacuum gauges, aneroid monitors, and automated devices. Recycling/Disposal: Develop a protocol for the preparation of mercury sphygmomanometers for recycling or disposal that that is consistent with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, state and local regulations, and pertinent standards. Contact your hazardous waste management coordinator for details about packaging, labeling and transporting that are specific to your facility. A suggested protocol might include the following instructions: Place the sphygmomanometer in a clear plastic bag and seal the bag. Do not use a red bag biohazard bag. Mark the bag: â€Å"Contains Mercury.† Place the bag in a plastic basin to contain any spills during transport to the designated hazardous waste collection point. Batteries Description: Mercury zinc, carbon zinc, silver oxide, and zinc air contain mercury. Mercury is used to protect cathode from oxidation. Pollution Prevention Options: Most consumers dry-cell batteries contain no added mercury. The best way to reduce mercury is recycling. (U.S. EPA, 1994) References Ross & Associates Environmental Consulting, Ltd. (1994), Mercury Sources and Regulations: Background Information for the Virtual Elimination Pilot Project. Ross & Associates Environmental Consulting, Ltd. (1994), Polychlorinated Biphenyls Sources and Regulations: Background Information for the Virtual Elimination Pilot Project. U.S. EPA. (1994), Virtual Elimination Pilot Project: Briefing Packet for Meeting Participants, U.S. EPA. (1995), Mercury Study Report to Congress (External Review Draft) (External Review Draft) U.S. EPA. (1995), Mercury Study Report to Congress      

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Brew Of Life Essays - Anthony Burgess, Burgess, A Clockwork Orange

Brew Of Life Essays - Anthony Burgess, Burgess, A Clockwork Orange Brew Of Life Anthony Burgess, Selective Individualist It is often said that life is full of choices and the choices you make is what makes you yourself. Society, however, has since the dawn of time tried to control the thoughts of individuals by forcing ideas upon them that destroys the person on a mental and emotional level while crushing their physical well-being. With the thoughts of a perfect world, people often forget that when you force a society to conform to standards you also kill the society's existence in the process, making it more machine that human. It takes a strong and educated person to realize these mistakes made by society and try to show others why it's wrong to try force conformity. Anthony Burgess' belief that a man who cannot choose ceases to be a man is exemplified in most of his works, but most notably in A Clockwork Orange in which a so-called good society tries to change the psyche of a troubled youth. Born John Anthony Burgess Wilson, Anthony Burgess is a man of great stature and respect. A big man of sturby, ramshackle appearance, with a blunt disarming manner and awesome energy (Clemons 56). He loved life and expressed it in his works of literature. Born in Manchester, England during the influenza epidemic, during which his mother and sister passed away soon after his birth, Burgess' was ignored by his father who he received little to no attention from. This, however, allowed him to create the thoughts and ideas which he preaches. He was a man of little religious belief because he questioned why man was put on earth. Burgess believed that people should live life in the present not for the future, which labeled him an anarchist by the church of England. He didn't mind the accusations though, he was content with the life he led. (Clemons 56) Anthony Burgess was a frail child, secluded from the world. At the age of four he used his time to try and discover a talent in the arts. He highly enjoyed drawing, writing poems, and essays but was always searching for the one medium that he would succeed at. Burgess found music to be a art form he enjoyed the most and studied it up to college were he was forced to study English because he had a lack of qualifications. Although a little unappreciative at first Burgess soon found a new love in English and obtained a BA degree with honors in 1940 from Manchester University. He Jumped from job to job teaching English soon after, always trying to find happiness. Burgess worked in many diverse areas ranging from a English master in a grammar school near oxford to an education officer for the colonial office an Malaysia. Burgess used his free- time to write, but didn't expect too much to come from it because of a doubt in his talent. It was in Malaysia where he had his first novels, The Malaysian Trilogy published. Burgess soon returned home, however, in 1959 he was diagnosed with a brain tumor and was told he only had a year to live. At this point Burgess began to write novels to support his widow-to-be wife. This was how the world came to know him, and the reason Burgess started to write as a profession. (Clemons 57) Anthony Burgess acquired a fine taste for writing and was relieved to here the news of a medical error in his diagnosis. Burgess saw a sign, a blessing telling him to live life and do what you want to do not what your told to do. This was the whole basis of his belief that people should be themselves and it was seen in his writings from that point on. Instead of writing about the same topics as other writers of the same time period, [Burgess] concentrated on the themes of the danger of loss of individuality (Tilton 55). However, Burgess was criticized about his ideas because they didn't follow the churches ideas about thinking in terms of your afterlife. This got him in some muddy water, but only fueled the fire within. (Tilton 56) Challenging the church was a hard task. It seemed like it was Burgess against the world in his effort to prove his point, but it didn't phase him just helped him get ideas for writing more controversial material. In the late 1950's Burgess started to work on the one piece of literature that was to share his belief of individuality with the world.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Uses for Muriatic Acid or Hydrochloric Acid

Uses for Muriatic Acid or Hydrochloric Acid Muriatic acid  is another name for hydrochloric acid, which is one of the strong acids. The product is usually between 5% and 35% hydrochloric acid in water. Do you use muriatic acid or dilute hydrochloric acid as a household chemical? If so, what uses do you have for it? Readers answer this question: Key Takeaways: Muriatic Acid Uses Muriatic acid is a solution of hydrochloric acid (HCl) in water.The acid has a distinctive pungent smell and is highly corrosive.Muriatic acid has many commercial uses in addition to household uses. The acid reacts with other chemicals to remove stains and contaminants. Uses for Muriatic/Hydrochloric Acid Use it to lower the pH and total alkalinity of your swimming pool. - frd It worked I used muriatic acid for tile cleaning a large number of tiles at once. It restores the tiles to a normal state. - Ifediba Paul N Hydrochloric/ Muratic Acid I use hydrochloric acid using a 3:1 ratio with water (acid 3 : water 1). We just moved into a newly built house and the tiles in the bathroom are covered with grout, so I use the solution above to clean the grout off the tile. I also use the undiluted muratic acid to clean (with a sprayer) iron off the concrete around my pool. - Anonymous Make your own soldering flux Dissolve pure zinc (e.g., from a dry-cell case) in muriatic acid to make your own acid flux for soldering. Several articles via Google will show how. Be sure to follow safety hints! NOT a project for kids! - Guest tkjtkj Disposal? I had some old muriatic acid sitting in a room for more than a year. I noticed there was some crystals or something that looks like salt on the outside of the bottle. I wonder if it is in fact a salt. And what is the best way to dispose of it? - forrest muriatic acid I use muriatic acid to melt concrete off our delivery trucks. - joe Sometimes you just have to use it. Some stains just wont go away with anything else. An example is manganese staining a toilet bowl. Ive got manganese in my water and the treatment tanks dont get all of it. - Al muriatic acid I use muriatic acid or hydrochloric acid to clean the algae growth from the bottom of my boat. Be sure to wet the concrete well thats under and around your boat or youll end up with with a ghost pattern of your boat. Keep the acids away from grass and aluminum. - bob c Cleans gunk off shower stalls, easily It makes cleaning old shower stalls a breeze. But you have to be careful and wear gloves of course. Also, open a window before you start using it so you have proper ventilation. Now theres no need to try to endlessly scrub away stubborn gunk. Muriatic acid is the way to go when you have tough cleaning jobs. - Evie Are You Kidding? Seriously? I wouldnt have that chemical in my house or my garage! Its too dangerous. What if a kid or a pet spilled it or something. There have to be better chemicals to use than acid. - No Way Concrete Cleaner I use muriatic acid to clean the yuck off of concrete. Its also good to prep it for a sealant or other treatment. - Acidzzz Commercial Uses of Muriatic Acid The most common household use of muriatic acid is as a descaling agent, however, the chemical has many other applications. Hydrochloric acid is used in the chemical industry to make polyvinyl chloride, which in turn is used to produce several types of plastic. It is used to synthesize and purify both organic and inorganic compounds, regenerate ion exchange columns, perform titrations for chemical analysis, and control pH. The acid finds use in the food industry in the production of gelatin, fructose, citric acid, lysine, aspartame, and hydrolyzed vegetable protein. It is also a food additive used to control acidity. Hydrochloric acid is used in steel pickling, leather production. In the petroleum industry, hydrochloric acid may be injected into a rock formation to make the rock more porous and stimulate oil production. Household uses include cleaning mortar from bricks, de-scaling mineral deposits from kettles, and removing metallic stains. Gastric acid in the human digestive tract makes use of hydrochloric acid to denature proteins and protect against pathogens.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Data Minining and Data Discovery Research Paper

Data Minining and Data Discovery - Research Paper Example However, the data that is analyzed via different techniques is fetched from data warehouses, where many databases are interconnected with each other. Major techniques that are involved in the process of data miming are regression, classification and clustering. Data mining is incorporated for gaining in depth patterns for market intelligence from data warehouses containing massive amount of data. However, the issue that arises is not the quantity of data, as we already have massive amount of data to work with, it is the methodology that is required to learn data. 3 Data Mining 3NF is usually recommended for a corporate environment managing massive amount of replicated data. For instance there is no requirement of saving data several times. However, there is a requirement of doing more joins. Comparatively, 1NF will provide the functionality of storing replicated data regardless of number of joins. It is the choice of database administrator to evaluate what is the right form; it may b e 3NF or 1 NF. Moreover, normalization comprises of five rules that are applied on a relational database. The main objective is to eliminate or minimize the redundancy and at the same time increasing database efficiency. The negative part illustrates that too much implementation of normalization can cause issues. The objective is to deploy the highest acceptable level of normalization. If we compare three of these NF’s, the 1NF removes replication in groups. The 2NF reduces data replication or redundancy and the 3NF reduces columns from the tables that are not reliant on primary keys. Therefore, database design must demonstrate the highest level of normalization possible, in order to make database efficient and robust. In order to maintain 3 large databases for a VLDB and to keep them efficient for two years if required, there is a requirement for constructing a ‘store and forward’ mechanism that will process the data or information from and through each distribu tion center database. Likewise, at the same time embrace that data or information pending till the completion of EDW. Moreover, data archiving is also required for maintaining each distribution center becoming a VLDB. EDW is efficient enough to support this scenario. A study demonstrated the overall cost of this disease throughout the world is $376 Billion annually. It is now almost fundamental that a person exceeding an age of 60 have more chances to get this disease, as it is now considered as the fourth largest live taking disease globally along with making its name for the fourth most common disease that contributes to a death of a person. However, the most common of all diabetes is the type 2. As there are almost 20% habitants suffering from in the United Arab Emirates alone, many research studies and debates are conducted yearly in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Moreover, awareness sessions are conducted in every town of the cities to aware the people about this disease (MoH launches se cond phase of diabetes campaign.2010). However, this case study demonstrates the disease diabetes and medical data associated with patients from the Middle east region i.e. United Arab Emirates for discovering concealed patterns and the valuable information that can be utilized for decision making process. In addition, these informed decisions are performed by medical personnel

Friday, November 1, 2019

Strategic Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Strategic Management - Assignment Example Many research scholars still argue over creating cogent definition of strategic management. Various research scholars like Michael Porter, Philip Kotler, John Kotter, VA Zeithaml and many others successfully tried to create a theoretical framework of the concept but still their frameworks failed to create a universal theory of strategic management probably due to multidimensionality of the concept. Organizations use strategic initiatives in accordance with culture, leadership style, frequency of crisis and business objectives. Gray (1) has bifurcated strategic planning from strategic management and described two aspects in the following manner. ... Meyer (3) illustrated strategic management as process that helps top level management of the company to understand business objectives, future threat and opportunities; identifying suitable strategy to deal with these issues and taking control over external variables; creating direction to accomplish strategic objective of the organization. Nutt and Backoff (4) have modified the concept of Meyer. According to them strategic management actually combines short and long term planning of the organization in order to achieve organizational objectives like increasing profitability, increasing control over existing product portfolio, achieving high growth rate, expanding many business in foreign market, creating market entry barrier for competitors by increasing competency level (Tyndall, Cameron and Taggart, 1990, p. 9). Strategic management is a multidimensional concept and the study cannot cover all the aspects of strategic management. The study will focus on a particular concept of stra tegic management in order to create a cogent representation of assignment topic. This report will analyze Michael Porter’s generic competitive strategies from the view point of theoretical concept and real life application in order to understand functionality of the concept. 3.0 Michael Porter’s Generic Competitive Strategies In 1980, Michael Porter developed the basic strategic model for companies in order to achieve competitive advantage over competitors. He modified the concept into more confined model in 1985. Main agenda of the model is to help organizations to create a sustainable and not easy to copy strategy with which they can not only achieve competitive advantage over adversaries but also can build a sustainable

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

1947 U.N.'s Special Commission on Palestine Essay

1947 U.N.'s Special Commission on Palestine - Essay Example The government of British had earlier also made a recommendation to establish a special committee which was to prepare a report for General assembly. UNSCOP was set up by the General Assembly to investigate the root and possibly a solution for the Palestine’s conflict. UNSCOP is making up of representatives from 11 nations. Our visit as a commission included gathering of testimonies from organization of Zionists was boycotted by the higher committee of Arab. This paper work gives the assessment of the four options, which are Arab rule; Zionist rule; a bi-national state. Discussion The 19th century came with it the Palestinian- Israel conflict. In 1920 this conflict bore violence which is still continuing today. The Jews and the Arabs formed movement in the 29th century. These movements fought towards attaining their respective people’s sovereignty. Hallowed land and Zionism are some of the major causes of this conflict. The Great Britain allowed the Jews to immigrate to Palestinian land on which they had control. This conflict escalated when over 6 million Jews lost their lives on the hands of the Nazis on a Holocaust. Afterwards the Jews were allowed to migrate into Palestine. It was then that Israel was established, on Palestine’s land. This led to onset of a war that has born various battles and attacks of land in the region. Lots of Palestine citizens have become refugees in Middle East since 1948. It was in 148 that Israel established itself as a nation. Palestine use force to try and reclaim a land that was once theirs from the Jews. They also fight for the refugees who are still suffering yet they have their lands (Zanotti, 2010). During a talk with the British, the Arabs insisted on a unitary majority state for Arabs. Officials representing Palestine from the Jewish Agency opposed the Arabs and preferred partitioning Palestine. There are four options of potential rulers of the Palestine, which are Zionist rule, Arab rule, partitione d, and a bi-national state (Tal, 2000). Zionism rules the world and this is much reflected in the United States of America. It was in 1997 when the Zionist Congress was convened by Theodore Herzl. All that has happened to the Human race since Herzl is traceable to the world conquest protocol plan. Before Herzl, political Zionism was unpopular. Zionism is accountable to all that has occured in the United States of America. Most effects of Zionism rule are negatively felt. Zionism is believed to have been sacrificing Jews for several years now, and it is still dong it up to date. There are notable achievements in the United States as a result of Zionism, but the negativities shadow them. Zionism is hence not the best preferred rule for Palestine (Hurewitz, 1998). Arabs felt that the British had unfairly favored the Jews outside Palestine and did not like foreign rule. As a result of these frustrations, the Arabs planned and attacked the Jews. To Arabs Palestine was more of a battle fi eld and its people were seen as a source of man power and taxes. The Arabs there have never been interested in Palestine as an empire. They never saw any value attached to Palestine, and that explains why there is no Palestinian Jew. Arabs rulers use Palestine as a leverage. This way, they use it to control their population by drifting their people’s anger away from their backward and oppressive regimes (Akasaka, 2007). The ongoing war in Palestine is, however, not for overcoming Israel, but it is for defining the strongest tribe among the fighters. Hence this is the main Objective of Human involvement in the war. After considering the reasons of Arabs fight in Palestine, we, as a committee does not see Arabs rule as the best suited to rule Palestine (Tal, 2000).

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Costa Coffee Marketing Plan for China

Costa Coffee Marketing Plan for China This paper aims at outlining the strategic marketing approach of Costa Coffee for entering a new market . Costa Coffee is the British part or retail sales of Whitbread Family. Whitbread is a British Multinational Company and it has franchises worldwide. Whitbread includes Hotels, Restaurants [Household names like TGI Friday], Health and Fitness plus Other Businesses. The contents of this paper include the marketing strategy of Costa Coffee and its expansion plans in China. Introduction The Story The history of Costa Coffee began in a mountain town outside the region of Parma, where there was the house of Costa family. In the late 60s, the Italian brothers Bruno and Sergio Costa, hungry for success, traveled to England, seeking an opportunity for professional advancement. By arriving there, they found how simple the English coffee market was. Motivated by their Italian background and Sergios skills in the roasting of coffee beans, they decided to return to Milan to enrich their knowledge and technique in Italian coffee shops. In 1971, upon their return to London, they bought a three-story building in Lambeth, where they set up their own coffee shop. In the beginning, the Costa brothers worked as producers and wholesalers and were supplying high-class restaurants and specialty stores. Soon, they built their reputation for their dedication to excellent quality of their product. However, in 1978 they had to find some employment for their wives in order not to interfere in their business. Therefore, they decided to create their first coffee boutique in Vauxhall Bridge Road, London, and assigned its management to their wives. This idea experienced tremendous success, and led the brothers to the expansion of Costa coffee boutiques and award their management to relatives and friends. Since the opening day of the first store to date, the same traditional method of slow roasting (18-22 minutes) of coffee beans is used, offering the delicious and fragrant blend Mocha Italia, from 6 Arabica beans and 1 Robusta. Listen Read phonetically Dictionary View detailed dictionary Today, Costa Coffee owns 500 shops worldwide. Costa Coffee believes in its employees skills therefore, it provides intensive employee training at the Cost Coffee Academy. VISION: Costa Coffee vision is to provide the best hospitality to its customers since its range of hospitality products range includes restaurants, hotels and leisure clubs. MISSION: To serve the best coffee in the true Italian style. BUSINESS PORTFOLIO: Costa Coffee has built an unrivaled reputation for coffee excellence, and this is achieved by fully controlling the process, from harvest and selection of coffee beans, from the roasting of the Italian maestros, the choice of engines and compliance with the procedures of manufacture of beverages, ensuring this way that customers can enjoy the same excellent quality coffee at any of Costa Coffee in the world. The drinks are served in 3 different sizes Primo, Medio and Massimo, and the customer can choose between the unique blend of Mocha Italia, or decaf, whole or skim milk and add an extra dose of espresso, flavored syrup, cream, candy or chocolate. There are 15 factors that are combined and help to create the perfect Costa coffee. In addition, in every store worldwide regular controls take place, which ensure consistency and maintenance of quality. Every Costa Coffee has a Barista Maestro (coffee expert) responsible for maintaining the excellence of the drinks served. COSTA COFFEE AND STARBUCKS: Starbucks is the largest competitor of Costa Coffee. Starbucks is the leader in the coffee shop market. Its international presence is in 50 countries. On the other hand, Costa Coffee, is the third biggest coffee specialist in the market with shops in 25 countries. Both companies have an excellent financial performance up to 2005 but in 2008 there was a decrease in revenue and operating profit as a result of the global economic recession. However, in 2009. Starbucks has an improving in cost structure and therefore its liquidity is better than Costa Coffee since it has managed to pay its short term debts. A key factor for both companies is globalization since most leading players in the foodservice market expand their operations in other countries. So the future success of Costa Coffee will be based on its operations outside the UK. The same applies for Starbucks. . THE CHOICE OF CHINA: China is one of the biggest economic forces in the world. Its domestic market is larger so there is a lot of potential for multinational businesses. Its average GDP growth rate is more than 10% despite the global economic crisis (10.9% last quarter 2009) (BBC China economy 2009). International financial analysts believe that the growth of the Chinese economy will continue. Regarding the coffee industry in China, it should be noticed that competition is quite intense but sales in cafes has grown by 8% to RMB36billion (over  £3,487million). It should also be noticed that in 2009 coffee shops chains had a growth of 22% (Euromonitor International August 2009,Cafà ©s/bars China). However, the Chinese market for many international companies is considered a tough market since it is difficult to understand local culture and customeCNY. Therefore, many companies pursue joint ventures and strategic alliances in order to do business in China. In 1998, Starbucks entered China and it has 180 coffee shops. In 2006, Costa Coffee entered China in a different way i.e. through a joint venture with Yueda Group which is based in Jiangsu Province. This was done because a local partner knows the market better so market penetration for the new entrant is easier. However, this also means that Costa Coffee is heavily dependent on Yueda. Costa Coffee has a strong Italian aura that aims at attracting the Chinese market. Affluent Chinese customers want to taste a coffee that is represented by a global brand name. So far, Starbucks has been quite successful in this area. The risk is that by being a partner with Yueda, the brand will be customized too much therefore, Costa will lose its competitive advantage which is the Italian aura. Starbucks has very aggressive expansion plan in China. The crucial point is if Costa Coffee will maintain its brand essence and will not be customized. In this case, Costa Coffee will be a strong competitor to Starbucks. Future trends Strategy The main issue for chained coffee shops is to create a unique experience that cannot be easily copied. The consumers want to enjoy their coffee in a nice environment. The coffee shop space should be comfortable with an ambiente that will be inviting so the consumers will return to the shop again. People will want to live the espresso experience at home so the sales of equipment and coffee will increase as well as the demand for better and higher quality of coffee and beverages in coffee shops. Corporate social responsibility is another issue that chained coffee shops should take care on. They have to prove that they implement ethical practices. Regarding marketing, researchers predict that chained coffee shops will use mobile apps and have social networking tools in the very near future. COSTA COFFEE Financial Data Turnover:  £263.8m (2008:  £216.3m) Operating profit before exceptional items:  £22.7m (2008:  £20.8m) Number of outlets: 881 in the UK, 407 overseas Total Revenue  £ (m) Strategy Our target for Premier Inn during 2009/10 is to deliver around 2,000 new rooms in the UK and overseas. We have a strong pipeline of secured sites and will continue to develop a land bank. Internationally, our first hotel opened in Dubai during 2008 and we will build on this position, intending to open a further two hotels in the Emirates plus one in India. We plan to open around 100 new Costa outlets in the UK in 2009/10. We will capitalise on our strong Costa brand by focusing on new locations, as well as areas where we can replace existing operators, such as in supermarkets, hospitals and leisure facilities. Costa will also continue to strengthen its position across international markets, adding 100 net new stores in the year ahead. MARKETING OBJECTIVES: Enter Greek market and develop a significant market share; Increase product portfolio by new high caliber products; Bring more value to shareholders; Be a leader in its field for customer service; Develop alliances with commercial partners and the communities in which Costa Coffee shops operate. TARGET MARKET Costa Coffee offers a wide range of products suitable for all consumeCNY. So far, coffee in China is consumed in big cities (Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou). Coffee producers have targeted young professionals since they are the most westernized, affluent and open-minded. However, they see it as something that is in fashion rather than a regular habit. Another target group for coffee consumption are returnees i.e. Chinese that studied in Western countries and come back to China. They are also affluent and they are accustomed to visiting coffee shops. Ex- pats are another target group. Chinas economic growth has attracted a lot of investments from foreign companies. Ex-pats are used to drink coffee and their number increases every year. It has been estimated that businessmen from Hong Kong and Taiwan as well as Westerners amount to 30% of customers at multinational chained coffee shops as Starbucks. The above customer base has been quite saturated so there is a need to increase customer base. However, coffee is considered a luxury good and the average Chinese cannot pay for a cup of coffee. The average Chinese annual income is RMB 8000 yuan whereas a small cup of Starbucks coffee costs RMS 12 yuan ($1.5 which is the same price as in USA). In the big cities the average annual income is higher however it is still difficult for someone to consume a cup of coffee. If coffee still goes on being considered as a luxury good, it will happen the same thing as in Japan i.e. it will take China more than 90 years to make coffee popular. Market Segmentation: Based on the above the following market segments were defined: Young / Mature professionals Returnees Ex-pats Students Middle Class Upper Middle Class Single Married Bus section and train/airplane passengers Marketing Strategy: Costa Coffee will follow Market Development strategy and the reason for choosing this strategy will be explained below: CURRENT NEW PRODUCTS PRODUCTS 1. Market Penetration Strategy 3. Product Development Strategy 2. Market Development Strategy 4. Diversification Strategy CURRENT MARKETS NEW MARKETS   Ãƒ £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€š ¬Ãƒ £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€š ¬Coffee is considered a luxury good. This misperception hinders businesses in identifying customer groups and implement marketing strategies. This misperception also hinders the majority of the population to get acquainted with coffee. The same happened in Japan, where coffee was also considered as a luxury beverage with unreasonably high prices. It has taken almost 90 years for Japan to get acquainted with coffee and still per capita coffee consumption is quite low. This makes things worse since Japan sets the trend for Taiwan and South Korea.   Ãƒ £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€š ¬Ãƒ £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€š ¬In China coffee shops open every day in cities like Beijing and Shanghai. However, the average Chinese cannot afford a cup of coffee everyday. Multinational coffee companies have faced difficulties in developing the Chinese coffee market. Although they know how to penetrate mature markets but they see that they have difficulty in immature coffee markets. These companies need to understand better China and its people. Without understanding them all marketing campaigns will be in vain. A characteristic example is the marketing campaign of Nestle which was targeting at the young middle class Chinese although in reality this class does not exist or even if it existed they would not be heavy coffee drinkeCNY. Starbucks has increased awareness but it needs a different strategy for the Chinese market. Only KFC has been quiet successful. Starbucks success cannot be considered as sustainable since it was based on management, financial power and brand name whereas the Chinese market needs entrepreneurship to advance it and this is what Costa Coffee is planning to do. Coffee has been promoted by the Chinese government through festivals and fashion awards however these strengthened the misperception of coffee being a luxury good. Local coffee shops add too many side things such as food, spirits etc. Therefore, they dilute the idea of coffee. Coffee is a product that does not hurt health, stimulates the brain and it is addictive. Based on researches someone who has drunk coffee three times a week for two months in the row is addicted to coffee. Brain stimulation is important for personal wealth and intelligence. Coffee became popular because coffee shops were focused at making the customer accustomed with coffee. When people get accustomed then the market develops at an extremely fact pace. The coffee shop is important for this development and a coffee shop can be a seated place or coffee stands and carts. It is important to make people drink coffee and then offer them ground coffee. Many companies have found as an excuse the fact that tea is dominant in China and there is no place for coffee in a tea dominant country. However, there are no major tea companies that can compete international coffee giants nor is there a specific promotion to protect tea. On the contrary local society support the development of coffee houses and it is not negative to coffee. Costa Coffee will focus on making people drink more coffee. Its new coffee shops will be around areas where people gather such as Universities, stations and office buildings etc. This can be the best promotion since if one group of people becomes loyal to coffee then it will influence other consumer groups. Costa Coffee will focus specifically on these people and its promotions will be measurable and specific. Coffee has an unbeatable image in China and it is known to everyone. Costa Coffee will be based on the quick service restaurant (QSR) concept. QSR is based on the idea of offering cheap, clean and good food and its purpose is to sell to a wider range of population. Costa Coffee plans to adopt this concept. Coffee has a high profit margin but food is what attracts people to the coffee shop. Costa Coffee already offers more products than coffee; however it should plan to add more snacks that are better suited to local customers and a cheaper but good quality filter coffee for taking away. Many local Chinese coffee shops offer food however, they have not formulated a strategy so they cannot be considered as potential competitoCNY. So far in these shops the restaurant is separated form the coffee house something that it is not the case of Costa Coffee. In the next two years the aim is to introduce new product lines that will be offered at affordable prices for the average Chinese consume r. It should be noticed that this does not mean price cutting since this will hurt Costa Coffees brand name. The location of the new coffee shops is also an important part of Costa Coffee strategy. Up today, the coffee shops were opened at locations where population is dense and the income is high. As a result, the rental prices are quite high. Therefore, Costa Coffee is planning to open new shops at bus stations and other busy intersections where rents are lower and the traffic is big. The marketing strategy that will be followed to China is important since it influences neighboring states such as South Korea which is also a new coffee consuming country. If the model of highly expensive coffee will be followed then the consequences will be similar to Taiwan and Hong Kong where there is a negative trend in coffee growth. à £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ãƒ £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ãƒ £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€š ¬Ãƒ £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚   à £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚     Ãƒ £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€š ¬Ãƒ £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€š ¬ SWOT ANALYSIS: Strengths Weaknesses Established brand name worldwide Expensive prices for the average Chinese consumer Wide range of products Starbucks dominant position in the market Third ranked coffee shop chain in the world Coffee is considered a luxury good Know how of Yuda (local partner) Tea is the daily beverage of the average Chinese Opportunities Threats Big market potential a lot of Chinese Consumers that do not drink coffee Stagnant coffee growth due to high prices Unbeatable image of coffee Possible marketing enforcement of tea companies No competitors are located at bus intersections PESTEL ANALYSIS: Political China has a stable political environment that welcomes foreign direct investments. Economic The Chinese economic growth is impressive (10% per annum). Social Although the income of the average Chinese consumer is low, there is a growing middle class -190 million urban households, or 29%. According to McKinsey, middle class is expected to expand to 75% (372 million), by 2025 (DAltorio 2011). Technological New coffee machines are produced so making coffee at home is easier. Environmental There is a trend in producing organic coffee. Legal There are no legal issues involved. MARKET POSITIONING: The positioning strategy of Costa Coffee will be in line with its international strategy i.e. THE ITALIAN COFFEE MASTERS. The competitive advantage of Costa Coffee is the quality of their coffee. The image of the company is that is has a UNIQUE coffee. Another positioning of Costa Coffee is that this excellent coffee quality can be offered with affordable prices (launch of the new take away filter coffee). THE ITALIAN COFFEE MASTERS This is the tag line that will communicate the Italian aura of Costa Coffee to the mass audience. Since Chinese consumers perceive well the Italian atmosphere it is expected that it will attract more people to Costa Coffee. MARKETING MIX: Product: Brand Name: Costa Coffee is a well established brand that signifies luxury, perfection and excellence. Chinese consumers prefer established brand names. Image/Theme: Luxury Costa Coffee is related to luxury. The coffee shops ambiance is trendy and comfortable. Customers will have a nice time in a flashy environment. However, this luxury image should be cleverly related with the new, affordable, take away filter coffee. The message that will be transmitted is luxury can be affordable and can be taken with you. Color Scheme Costa Coffees shops are in warm tones having brown as the main color. Other colors that are used are green, black and white. The purpose of this color selection is the creation of a comfortable and trendy atmosphere. Service: Apart from coffee, Costa has a reputation of excellent service. Hiring and retaining talented employees and train them accordingly is a strategic goal of the company. Product variety: ESPRESSO A short, strong and black coffee, with no milk. ESPRESSO DOPPIO A double espresso shot. For those who like it strong. RISTRETTO An extra short coffee, even shorter than an espresso, with an even stronger flavour. MACCHIATO Espresso topped with just a dash of milk. Yum. AMERICANO Coffee, mixing shots of espresso with hot water. Add milk if you like. FLAT WHITE A rich, full-flavoured coffee with a velvety, smooth texture. Each Flat White is hand-finished with a distinctive pattern. CAPPUCCINO Coffee combining espresso with steamed, frothy milk. Chocolate on top if you have a sweet tooth. CAFFE LATTE Coffee made with steamed milk. Not as strong as a cappuccino, but just as good. MOCHA Espresso with hot chocolate, topped with steamed, frothed milk. (Source: Costa Coffee 2010) Costa Coffee products variety includes iced tea and coffees as well as cakes, pastries, Panini and sandwiches. Prices: Costa Coffee prices are generally higher than other coffee shops. High prices are related to the outstanding quality and taste of Costa Coffee. Therefore, the traditional customer groups of Costa Coffee are high and middle classes. Costa Coffee believes that a reduction in its prices will harm its brand name. However, it wants to increase its Chinese customer base so it will offer a filter coffee for takeaway at affordable prices. Chinese middle class growth rate is significant, it will reach 372 million by 2025, it is a social class that cannot be neglected. Therefore, Costa Coffee is planning in the next three years to offer its products at affordable prices for the Chinese middle class without harming its brand name. Locale / Setting: The next Costa Coffee shops will be at busy intersections e.g. bus, train stations and at areas where office buildings and Universities are located. It will focus again on the big cities like Shanghai and Beijing. The aim for the next three year is to have 30 new coffee shops at both cities. Promotion: Costa Coffee will not do a lot of advertising since its brand name is recognized. However, there will be special sales promotions at its new shops for the new filter coffee that can be taken away. Costa Coffee is based on word of mouth advertising since reputation is very important. MARKET DEMAND It is important to measure the market before launching new products and shops. It is also important to measure the market after the launch of the new products / shops so as to see their effects and gain a larger market share. Growth Share Matrix There are two factors that are important for the expansion to new markets and these are : market attractiveness and the Business Strength. Market Attractiveness Business Strength Factors Rate Factors Rate Overall Market Size 70% increase (2004-2012) Market Share 5.0 Annual Market Growth Rate 7.8 Product Quality 5 Competitive Intensity 4 Brand Reputation 4.5 Technological Requirements 2.5 Distribution Channel 3.5 Inflationary Vulnerability 4.9 Promotional Effectiveness 4.5 Productive Efficiency 4 Managerial Personnel 3.5 Market Attractiveness As it is seen above, the attractiveness of the Chinese market is very high. The annual growth rate of the coffee market is high. There are no significant technological requirements since Costa Coffee already possesses advanced technology. Inflation is quite high and it seems that it will increase in the near future, however the targeted market groups remain unaffected (growing Chinese middle class). Partnership with Yuda will protect Costa Coffee from any possible dangers. Therefore, the Chinese market is very attractive and suitable for coffee shops expansion. Business Strength Costa Coffee is part of the well-known Whitbread Family. The quality of Costa Coffee is unquestionable. Costa Coffee owns more than 500 stores worldwide. Its outlets are in Europe, UK, Middle East, India, Pakistan and China. In order to maintain its excellent reputation, Costa Coffee will continue its policy of recruiting, training and retaining the best available employees in China. Business Strength High Medium Low High Medium Low Costa Coffees Business Strength is high and the overall position is ideal for further expansion into the Chinese market. Projected Sales in CHINA Costa Coffee projected sales are expected to rise to almost 97% in 2012 and this is due to the launch of the new takeaway filter coffee and the new shops at the busy intersections. This rate is expected to slow down (87%) in 2013 and this is because the one time visitors are expected to cease to visit the coffee shops and the existing customer base is expected to remain. An extensive marketing promotion through emails, customer clubs, social media etc. is expected to increase market share. The above numbers are very impressive and expansion seems ideals. Sales forecasts per customer groups are also very promising.: Market 2012 2013 2014 Total Students Youngsters CNY. 20,000,000 CNY. 23,00,000 CNY.6,300,000 CNY 49,300,000 Ex pats and returnees CNY 7,555,000 CNY 7,000,000 CNY. 12,800,000 CNY. 27,355,000 Families CNY. 9,700,000 CNY. 9,850,000 CNY. 17,200,000 CNY. 36,750,000 Professionals CNY. 17,750,000 CNY. 32,750,000 CNY. 92,000,000 CNY. 142,500,000 Totals CNY. 55,005,000 CNY. 72,600,000 CNY. 128,300,000 CNY. 255,905,000 According to the above table it can be seen that professionals is a group that has a lot of potential. This is because the Chinese middle class is rising and the coffee culture is mounting too. Another reason for the increase in sales in professionals is due to the location of the new coffee shops. There will be located in busy intersections where there are many office buildings. Newspapers and other electronic media have approached Costa Coffee and various interviews and programs have been made which boost Costa Coffees reputation even more. BUDGET FORECASTS: The forecasted budget for the upcoming three years is as follows; TYPE 2012 2013 2014 Total Accommodation CNY. 2,000,000 CNY. 5,000,000 CNY. 7,000,000 Training CNY. 1,500,000 CNY. 500,000 CNY. 4,000,000 CNY. 6,000,000 Transportation CNY. 250,000 CNY. 350,000 CNY. 1,000,000 CNY. 1,600,000 Fixtures CNY. 2,000,000 CNY. 7,000,000 CNY. 9,000,000 Total CNY. 5,750,000 CNY. 850,000 CNY. 17,000,000 CNY. 23,600,000 Future promotion and expansion plans: Costa Coffee will be launching more coffee shops in the major cities of China (Beijing and Shangkai) but the plans are to expand all over China after having created a considerable market share in the above cities. The expansion has been planned for the next year that is 2012. In the next two years the next cities where new coffee shops will be located will include Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Costa Coffee is not in favor of extravagant launching campaigns. It supports the use of electronic and social media as well as corporate social responsibility programmes and actions. It also believes in the right location of its shops. So, the marketing activity will be low except the posters that will be in the shops, as sales promotion, advertising the new takeaway filter coffee. ANALYSIS: Costa Coffee has a lot of potential for further intensifying its expansion efforts in China. It already possesses a significant market share in the Chinese market. The reason behind it is the unbeatable image of Costa Coffee and the advertisement (word of mouth) done by people who have visited its outlets. Sales are expected to rise in the following years and they are expected to rise even more in the forthcoming years since Costa Coffee is focusing on the rising Chinese middle class. Students and youngsters in general set the new trends so their influence in increasing coffee consumption and visiting coffee shops is of outmost importance. By further using social media, Costa Coffee is expected to increase its market share in this group. Professionals always seek quiet place to do their official or unofficial meetings. Costa Coffee is an ideal place to do these meetings. Apart from that, Costa Coffees activation in social media will certainly increase its future revenue. In conclusion, it can be said that Costa Coffee has so far implemented an excellent marketing strategy and the new campaign that it will launch for the takeaway filter coffee as well as the location of its new shops will help it increase its sales and gain sustainable competitive advantage. RECOMMENDATIONS: Sales numbers are very promising however the local partner should follow all the below the line activities mentioned. Costa Coffee should continue with low promotional strategies. Apart from posters inside the outlets, Costa Coffee should consider the use of bill boards at the busy intersections.