Tuesday, October 29, 2019

1947 U.N.'s Special Commission on Palestine Essay

1947 U.N.'s Special Commission on Palestine - Essay Example The government of British had earlier also made a recommendation to establish a special committee which was to prepare a report for General assembly. UNSCOP was set up by the General Assembly to investigate the root and possibly a solution for the Palestine’s conflict. UNSCOP is making up of representatives from 11 nations. Our visit as a commission included gathering of testimonies from organization of Zionists was boycotted by the higher committee of Arab. This paper work gives the assessment of the four options, which are Arab rule; Zionist rule; a bi-national state. Discussion The 19th century came with it the Palestinian- Israel conflict. In 1920 this conflict bore violence which is still continuing today. The Jews and the Arabs formed movement in the 29th century. These movements fought towards attaining their respective people’s sovereignty. Hallowed land and Zionism are some of the major causes of this conflict. The Great Britain allowed the Jews to immigrate to Palestinian land on which they had control. This conflict escalated when over 6 million Jews lost their lives on the hands of the Nazis on a Holocaust. Afterwards the Jews were allowed to migrate into Palestine. It was then that Israel was established, on Palestine’s land. This led to onset of a war that has born various battles and attacks of land in the region. Lots of Palestine citizens have become refugees in Middle East since 1948. It was in 148 that Israel established itself as a nation. Palestine use force to try and reclaim a land that was once theirs from the Jews. They also fight for the refugees who are still suffering yet they have their lands (Zanotti, 2010). During a talk with the British, the Arabs insisted on a unitary majority state for Arabs. Officials representing Palestine from the Jewish Agency opposed the Arabs and preferred partitioning Palestine. There are four options of potential rulers of the Palestine, which are Zionist rule, Arab rule, partitione d, and a bi-national state (Tal, 2000). Zionism rules the world and this is much reflected in the United States of America. It was in 1997 when the Zionist Congress was convened by Theodore Herzl. All that has happened to the Human race since Herzl is traceable to the world conquest protocol plan. Before Herzl, political Zionism was unpopular. Zionism is accountable to all that has occured in the United States of America. Most effects of Zionism rule are negatively felt. Zionism is believed to have been sacrificing Jews for several years now, and it is still dong it up to date. There are notable achievements in the United States as a result of Zionism, but the negativities shadow them. Zionism is hence not the best preferred rule for Palestine (Hurewitz, 1998). Arabs felt that the British had unfairly favored the Jews outside Palestine and did not like foreign rule. As a result of these frustrations, the Arabs planned and attacked the Jews. To Arabs Palestine was more of a battle fi eld and its people were seen as a source of man power and taxes. The Arabs there have never been interested in Palestine as an empire. They never saw any value attached to Palestine, and that explains why there is no Palestinian Jew. Arabs rulers use Palestine as a leverage. This way, they use it to control their population by drifting their people’s anger away from their backward and oppressive regimes (Akasaka, 2007). The ongoing war in Palestine is, however, not for overcoming Israel, but it is for defining the strongest tribe among the fighters. Hence this is the main Objective of Human involvement in the war. After considering the reasons of Arabs fight in Palestine, we, as a committee does not see Arabs rule as the best suited to rule Palestine (Tal, 2000).

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