Monday, December 9, 2019

International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior

Question: Discuss about the International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior. Answer: Introduction: Resistance to change refers to the action taken by specific people or group of people if they perceive that a change has already taken place and it poses threat to them. In other words, it refer to the transformation within organizations, though one can found elsewhere in other style. The rationale of the resistance of change is straightforward as individuals substantiate their actions to themselves. The signs of resistance of change occurs as a result of people unable spotting it emerging and hence get surprised rather than responding appropriately to it(Herscovitch, 2010). In the organization both local and international businesses, employees resist change if the entry of the change is introduced poorly, if it interrupt with their work, and if the employees disqualify the need for change. It is imperative for the mangers to consider what kind of change they bring in to the organization because they can result to serious resistance to the changes. However, if the mangers considers t hose changes and effect in to their organizations using proper introduction, then resistance can be minimized and eschew to process of handling workers resistance to change. The study therefore, discuss the reasons for the resistance to change. The paper will also describe the ways to manage employees resistance, and ethics of the managerial and resistant positions. In addition the paper will critically assess the implications of the managerial and of resistant positions for achieving an effective change management program. The organization should be ready to face resistance to change and plan for it. Right away from the inception of organization change management program will concede it to successfully control objections. The organization should therefore identify the most common reasons employees object to change. The primary objection of resistance will give the organization an opportunity to assess the change strategy to address the reasons. The proactive measure that every organization should be aware and expect resistance to change and be prepared to coup up with them.(Hatch, 2012) Identifying the behaviors that indicate likely hood of resistance will bring forth awareness of the necessity to address the concerns. The following reason may trigger for resistance to change: Reason for Resistance to Change in organization The unclear purpose of the change. When the employees misunderstand the essence of change they lack morale to work. If the workers of a certain organization will be introduced a new policy which contradict they working environment one expect resistance(Conger, 2011). A good example is Coca Cola Company effecting the policy on checking all the employees before they leave the job in the evening. Fear of the unfamiliar. If the motive for the change is unclear, be it about costs, work environment, and equipment. An example of most common factors of the unknown include when employees take an active steps toward those unidentified things that opt to bring change. However, the workers in an organization will show willingness towards the honest believe and feel. The genuine of the feeling will implicate the risks of remaining still than those of moving on in a new direction.(Champy, 2010) Employees will react against change if they have introduced policy with consulting them. Employees may like to identify the authenticity of the policy especially when their job is affected. Knowledgeable employees tend to have higher levels of work gratification than uniformed. The employees also feel lack of proficiency. If the organization requires changes of expertise the employees will feel uncomfortable for the transition. For instance, many companies may Information Technology expert to program the services offered by the company. The will require immediate IT professional either among the employees or the company may source from elsewhere.(Chemers, 2012) Benefits and rewards, if the benefits and rewards have detrimental and gaps for organization change they will trigger to troubles. However, the organizations should set their clear and precise for employees comprehend them. Benefits and rewards result to resistance to change by helping workers to mount pressure towards the organizations. Ethics of the managerial and resistant positions: Employee resistance to managing of change have rated as a complex problem. The process of change may be pervasive. Workers resistance may critically impact to the disappointment of efforts meant to initiate change in the organization. The primary role of managers in every organization is to make employees feel comfortable with any change. Identifying the origins of resistance should be fronted to bring solutions to the problems arising. Moreover, the employees should address their feedback to the management and they help to enhance the process of accepting the change. Change may not be the problem rather the problem may be resistance to change.(Brown, 2012) Managerial moral codes addresses principles and policies. Therefore, ethics of the managerial refers to set of paradigm that prescribe the conduct of a manager operating within organization. The principle-based ethics highlight the consideration in terms of fair and morally in the organization. The scope of working environment include information about departments and the use of organization equipment. On the other hand, policy based managerial ethics clearly shows the conflicts of interest, the right of handling branded information. For example, Enrons companys management inspired workers to buy shares and dividend of the company stock. Though the managers knew that the shares would devalue but they failed to inform their clients. The action therefore, show violation of ethical regulation and reluctant their role to protect the employees over exploitation. Ethics of the managerial help to shape decision making and regulate both internal and external behavior of organization.(Bacal, 2009) Implications and Strategies for achieving an effective change management program: Change is inevitable in modern organizations. Therefore, for the many organization should cultivate the culture of adopting changes. The employee also should be aware of the organizational changes. The following approaches help to impeach resistance to change. Organization should always find a desirable change which accommodate all employees to avoid loss. The perceived urge for change can be enhanced by bringing other issue that workers already care about. If the organization link to health matters, security of job and other things that exist within the working place, changes can easily adopted. Moreover, organization can make change stickier hence, less likely to replace new demands. Organizations must have people for to them to run smoothly. Therefore, they should implement and tailor information to the employees expectations. Workers may hold strong understanding of how the organizations works. For instance, they may incline to the reaction when they introduce a change as something good about to happen. They also perceive the change as a prevention model and reject it to eschew loss.(Terry, 2013) The organization should make the changes internal and very concrete. Frequently, organization change poses some sort of threat. The organizations should weigh if the threat is seen more relevant to keep outsiders away than to the workers in the working place. However, the organization can determine in concrete positions that the threat is local and will have a genuine influence on the employees. For example when the organization introduces a policy that poses threat to climate change, employees may think the change as threat to them and others. Therefore, the change takes time to be effected. On the other hand, if organization demonstrate with a concrete examples precisely how the change will impact the resident community or organization, they adopt the required changes. Organization should prioritize address personal concerns. Most organization rationalize the need for change by showing their workers the implications of change that meant for the organization. The approach of getting the employees to buy in the change may be termed as poor. Employees always react vigorously when a change is introduced. They always get concern with their personal welfare. Organizations should deal with workers personal concerns. The later concerns on the organization will be later effected. Organizations should seek provisional changes to achieve the target. Though transformational change is fundamental, it need a shift in expectations prepared by the organization. They add up to a substantial structure and progressions, values and approach. Therefore result to operation that create developmental approach.(Mabey, 2013) Conclusion: In a nutshell, change is hard to implement. Similarly, change is unavoidable. The complexity of change process may be overcame but enough time and effective managers are required. Organizational change occurs as a result of many factors that play in. the changes may either affect internal or external environment(Mumford, 2012). As discussed above the resistance to change are quite many. Employees will need to adopt with the changes though organization also should streamline them to fit all people. Management of change is used ensure organization success. They are used shape the organizations objectives. Hence without them the risks of meeting the goals can realized. In addition, losing productivity, is as result of poor change management. Organizations effect changes to improve effectiveness of the operation of business. Effective leadership implement change with easiness thus reducing resistance from the employee. It is worth stating that resistance to change strategy depend on the type of organization. Different organization require to overcome resistance of change differently. References Bacal, R. (2009). International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior. Harvard Business School Press, 23-45. Brown, M. C. (2012). Organizational Performance. Adminstrative Science Quartely, 1-10. Champy, J. (2010). Reengineering Management. New York: Harper Business. Chemers, M. M. (2012). Leadership Effectiveness. Blackwell handbook of social psychology, 376-399. Conger, J. R. (2011). Toward a Behavioral theory of Charismatic Leadership in Organization settings. Academy of Management Review, 34-37. Hatch, M. J. (2012). The Culture Dynamics of Organization and Change. Journal Organizational Behavior, 213-225. Herscovitch, L. . (2010). Commitment to Organizational Change. Journal of applied Psychology, 46-53. Mabey, C. .-W. (2013). Managing Change. London: PCP Publishers. Mumford, M. D. (2012). Leading Creative people. Leadership Quarterly, 705-723. Terry, D. (2013). Social Identity Processes In Organizations. Psychology Press, 216-223.

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