Thursday, November 7, 2019

Brew Of Life Essays - Anthony Burgess, Burgess, A Clockwork Orange

Brew Of Life Essays - Anthony Burgess, Burgess, A Clockwork Orange Brew Of Life Anthony Burgess, Selective Individualist It is often said that life is full of choices and the choices you make is what makes you yourself. Society, however, has since the dawn of time tried to control the thoughts of individuals by forcing ideas upon them that destroys the person on a mental and emotional level while crushing their physical well-being. With the thoughts of a perfect world, people often forget that when you force a society to conform to standards you also kill the society's existence in the process, making it more machine that human. It takes a strong and educated person to realize these mistakes made by society and try to show others why it's wrong to try force conformity. Anthony Burgess' belief that a man who cannot choose ceases to be a man is exemplified in most of his works, but most notably in A Clockwork Orange in which a so-called good society tries to change the psyche of a troubled youth. Born John Anthony Burgess Wilson, Anthony Burgess is a man of great stature and respect. A big man of sturby, ramshackle appearance, with a blunt disarming manner and awesome energy (Clemons 56). He loved life and expressed it in his works of literature. Born in Manchester, England during the influenza epidemic, during which his mother and sister passed away soon after his birth, Burgess' was ignored by his father who he received little to no attention from. This, however, allowed him to create the thoughts and ideas which he preaches. He was a man of little religious belief because he questioned why man was put on earth. Burgess believed that people should live life in the present not for the future, which labeled him an anarchist by the church of England. He didn't mind the accusations though, he was content with the life he led. (Clemons 56) Anthony Burgess was a frail child, secluded from the world. At the age of four he used his time to try and discover a talent in the arts. He highly enjoyed drawing, writing poems, and essays but was always searching for the one medium that he would succeed at. Burgess found music to be a art form he enjoyed the most and studied it up to college were he was forced to study English because he had a lack of qualifications. Although a little unappreciative at first Burgess soon found a new love in English and obtained a BA degree with honors in 1940 from Manchester University. He Jumped from job to job teaching English soon after, always trying to find happiness. Burgess worked in many diverse areas ranging from a English master in a grammar school near oxford to an education officer for the colonial office an Malaysia. Burgess used his free- time to write, but didn't expect too much to come from it because of a doubt in his talent. It was in Malaysia where he had his first novels, The Malaysian Trilogy published. Burgess soon returned home, however, in 1959 he was diagnosed with a brain tumor and was told he only had a year to live. At this point Burgess began to write novels to support his widow-to-be wife. This was how the world came to know him, and the reason Burgess started to write as a profession. (Clemons 57) Anthony Burgess acquired a fine taste for writing and was relieved to here the news of a medical error in his diagnosis. Burgess saw a sign, a blessing telling him to live life and do what you want to do not what your told to do. This was the whole basis of his belief that people should be themselves and it was seen in his writings from that point on. Instead of writing about the same topics as other writers of the same time period, [Burgess] concentrated on the themes of the danger of loss of individuality (Tilton 55). However, Burgess was criticized about his ideas because they didn't follow the churches ideas about thinking in terms of your afterlife. This got him in some muddy water, but only fueled the fire within. (Tilton 56) Challenging the church was a hard task. It seemed like it was Burgess against the world in his effort to prove his point, but it didn't phase him just helped him get ideas for writing more controversial material. In the late 1950's Burgess started to work on the one piece of literature that was to share his belief of individuality with the world.

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