Monday, May 18, 2020

The New Public Management Approach to Regulations - 626 Words

Laws, laws, laws, are something that America has strived to uphold over the years in order to be successful. That will be the first subject of our questions today. I will give insight to whether NPM can coincide in a regulatory environment where legal and political approaches are often controlling. In order to answer this question, we must first look at what actually foster’s the regulatory environment. Since the origins of regulations here in America, I believe federal organizations have had the very best intentions. During the industrial revolution, America was dramatically changed forever. From an economical and technological standpoint, we would never interact the same way again. The text illustrates a fantastic point about agriculture stating, â€Å"We depend upon farmers and food handlers; however, we do not personally know these individuals.† (Rosenbloom) During the Industrial Revolution, markets just became too unpredictable; therefore, the federal government decided to step in to become that third party â€Å"watch dog.† Personally, it is only fair that a third party looks out for our safety. Most of the time we think of federal regulation as product safety, however, it is much more than that. Government regulations are involved in several different sectors, including: market failure, environmental protection, employment regulation, administration of regulatio n, political patterns, majoritarian politics, interest group politics, client politics, entrepreneurial politics, andShow MoreRelatedThe Public Company Accounting Oversight1009 Words   |  5 Pageshowever, some of its main points include (Ball, 2009): †¢ Creation of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board which regulates the public accounting/auditing industry †¢ Requires CEO’s and CFO’s to certify the financial statements are free of material misstatements and fairly represent the company’s financial position †¢ Requires a strong and independent audit committee which is to oversee the audit instead of management †¢ Places limitations on the provision non-audit services by a firm responsibleRead MoreArgumentative Essay1538 Words   |  7 Pages Regulation: Word Count: 1195 Table of Contents: Page 1.0 Argument in favour of tight accounting regulation: 1.1 Introduction 3 1.2 The agency problem 3 1.3 Comparability of financial statements 3 1.4 Auditing 4 1.5 Auditor’s independence concerns 4 1.6 Credibility of financial reporting 4 1.7 Conclusion 5 2.0 Argument in favour of â€Å"Free market† regulation: 2.1 IntroductionRead MoreThe Policy Innovation Process Within The Australian Public Services1557 Words   |  7 PagesThis question aims to identify the major obstacles to the policy innovation process within the Australian public services. 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